A very simple and quick way to cook liver that actually everyone will love! Chicken liver doesn’t even have a strong liver taste like from beef. Plus: it is a real gourmet-recipe.
Liver is always a greatly discussed organ meat. Gibs are very healthy, but in the western society often forgotten. Many people think, giblets are unhealthy, ‘dirty’ and disgusting. I remember myself as a child to hate ‘that stuff’. And especially liver! But then I learnt how to cook chicken liver and – as I am always curious to try also food I once didn’t like – to my surprise I liked it very, but very much. Since then I changed my opinion about giblets and eat them much more often now.
Chicken liver is high in protein, a great source for vitamin B 12 and vitamin A as well as iron. And if cooked right it doesn’t have the strong ‘liver-taste’ like beef liver.
Of course like with all kinds of food, meat or fish it has to be organic. Never buy giblets of intensive animal farming!!! The hormones, penicillin and horrible food that those animal are forced to eat is all that returns into your body. So eat less and only healthy food. And gibs.
I made my chicken liver pan-fried. Little good olive oil, onions and garlic both minced, then the pieces of liver, all on high temperature stir-fried, then with a glass of red wine deglazed and when the wine is significantly reduced you add half a glass of olive oil. On lower fire and a lid on the pan you leave it for around half an hour, then lift the lid and leave it cooking for another 15 minutes that the sauce becomes thick and creamy.
Serve your super delicious chicken liver with fresh homemade bread. Or enjoy without anything else. How about some cauliflower rice? Interesting idea: put all in a blender and make a pâtè as hors d’oeuvre. If you can resist, leave the chicken liver on the stove over-night (covered with the lid) and warm it up the next day. Like all kind of stews and soups, during the night the dish gets the absolutely perfect flavor.
Let’s try this ‘new’ liver recipe!
- 300 g chicken liver (organic!)
- 2 onions (minced)
- 1 clove garlic (minced)
- 1 glass red wine (organic)
- pinch salt
- pinch pepper
- olive oil for frying (EVOO)
- 1/2 glass olive oil (EVOO)
- Put a pan on the stove, switch on the fire and put some olive oil in the pan. Add the garlic and onion, stir with a wooden spoon and let all get a little glazed. Meanwhile wash the chicken liver and let the water get a little off.
- Add the liver in the pan and glaze the organ meat. When it is a little brown on all sides add the wine. Let the whole cook until the wine is more than half gone. Now add salt and pepper and the olive oil. Stir and put a lid on the top of the pan.
- Let all cook for around 30-35 minutes, have a look after 20 minutes if there is still enough liquid in the pan. If not, add more olive oil. NO WATER!
- The chicken liver is ready when the organ meat is soft and the taste is irresistible!
- Serve immediately with some fresh baked homemade bread, some wild rice or plain.
For the best taste ever leave it over night out of the fridge, just covered with the lid.
If you serve on plates don't clean the pan immediately, take a piece of bread and clean the sauce out of the pan. Cook in heaven!