It’s still dark outside at 6 o’clock in the morning. This morning I had my alarm set that early to be in time in the right place for the sunrise. I started my nightly morning tour at the seaside but I didn’t like the venue. So I drove to a place I knew a nice walk in the woods. And that decision was the best!
In the same place I walked a few years earlier when I bought my new zoom lenses, you can read about it here. At that time I was so happy with them, now I have new ones and they are a much better category. In that older blog post you will find some pictures you see here, too 😉
I was definitely in the right moment in the right place. I maybe didn’t see the sun rising on the water but I got the best light for nature photography. I walked for nearly 4 hours and used the light for some really nice shots. Here they are, enjoy!

Protected area Aalbek/Niendorf, Schleswig-Holstein/Germany:
For further information:
Bird Park
Protected area Aalbek
Terrific photos!
Liebe Heidi, wie schön doch unsere “Heimat” ist!!
Toll, dass Du Dich für uns geopfert hast, d.h. so früh aufgestanden bist, um diese
wirklich wunderschönen Fotos zu schießen, an deren Anblick wir teilhaben dürfen.
Danke und LG von Heike
Ja, das war wirklich ‘magisch’!