Lunch Suggestions for a Whole30 Beginner

*Plaice with Lemon Sauce*

When I was visiting lately a friend of mine in Ischia, she asked me if we could do the Whole30 together. As a start into a healthier diet and mainly because she needs to stop eating bad food and loosing some weight as well.

I had no problem with that as the Whole30 is not far away from the paleo I am practicing.

*Cod with Self-made Mayonnaise*

So I told her what the diet means and allows to eat, or better what she has to get out of. This Whole30 is a start to a proper diet and consists in 30 days of clean eating omitting all dairy, all kinds of sugar, all grains and pseudo-grains, no legumes. Of course no alcohol, no coffee. And don’t create baked goods like treats, bread and similar.

In 30 days everyone should ‘re-learn’ the real food, get rid of the cravings and start a whole new food-life.

So in these days with my friend I told her what alternatives there are for her coffee and cookie breakfast she changed into fruit with coconut milk.

For lunch we had a few really super tasty dishes with fish, hamburger, freshly made mayonnaise, lemon sauce, eggs and much more. Especially the zucchini fritters were the highlight.

*Hamburger with Salad and Self-made Mayonnaise*

We had one special treat that was my wish. I had the opportunity to have some ice cream, made with olive oil. And a friend made the best ever ever almond ice cream for me, us. I know it’s not Whole30 but it was my treat, my opportunity after years to have ice cream.

My friend has lost after 30 days a few kilos (she needs to loose more) but doesn’t feel very different. Maybe it takes more time, maybe it’s also because she is not doing any sports. I didn’t as well when starting the paleo but I felt immediately better. Maybe my problems were more obvious, hers are more hidden and take time to change and heal.

*Omelette with Mushrooms and Fresh Peppers*

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