A Refreshing Pomegranate Smoothie with Chia Seeds

When I was at the grocery store a few days ago I looked for some nice fruit. I had no idea what I wanted when I saw a nice pomegranate. I bought it with some bananas thinking of a smoothie.

It’s winter-time and not really smoothie weather. But It’s a long time I had none and so, one of these mornings, I made one wit the pomegranate and banana. To get out the kernels of the pomegranate I made a little mess. I forgot to look for a tutorial on YouTube for it. But eventually I did it.

I mixed some thickening ingredients like Chia seeds and ground flax seeds, put a dash of cinnamon and a minute later I had a super refreshing and tasty smoothie.

The cleaning after took more time than drinking my pomegranate Chia seeds smoothie. Next time I need to look-up first how to open and empty the pomegranate!

Did you know that the pomegranate is mentioned in the Bible as ‘something good God created’? And in the Koran it is a fruit that grows in Paradise meanwhile in the Hebrew theology it is the fruit of the Tree of Life. Besides the many health properties it has..

But I had a lot of fun shooting the smoothie!

Pomegranate Chia Seeds Smoothie
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Servings Prep Time
2 glasses 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 glasses 10 minutes
Pomegranate Chia Seeds Smoothie
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
2 glasses 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 glasses 10 minutes
Servings: glasses
  1. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Transfer in two glasses, put a paper straw and enjoy!
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