I can’t think of anything more amazing than nature. It is full of wonders and there is so much to discover every day.
This year I had the unique opportunity to see a desert become alive. A so dry and brownish desert full of cactus, sand and rocks that becomes after a rainy winter season a wonder of colors.
The Anza Borrego State Park is situated east of San Diego in Southern California, USA. And is nearly all a rocky, dry desert with oasis, smaller towns and a landscape of cactus. Once I saw a coyote crossing the street in the middle of the day and thought: that’s a real desert.
The winter 2016/17 had an unusually higher amount of rainfall. And when I came back to San Diego in spring I saw the city was already covered with flowers of all sorts and colors. So incredibly beautiful. My wish was to go to the desert and see what it offers.
I expected to see some flowers here and there, maybe some cactus with flowers blooming near to an oasis. But that was not at all what I saw! It was an amazing tour, discovering the beauty of nature and the incredible power of it.
We were not going to the usual recommended hiking places but just driving through the State Park from South to North. We stopped everywhere we saw a hint of color, and we found an unbelievable amount of wild flowers everywhere. On cactus (the Ocotillos are really amazing), on the trees and on the ground. From huge flowers to super tiny flowers that seem to be not bigger than a big sand kernel.
We wanted to go to the Anza Borrego Visitor center but we never made it. We were exhausted in the late afternoon before sunset and never did even one hike. I don’t know what impressed me more: the quantity of flowers, the diversity of flowers or the colors. It was the most amazing day I could expect.
As I took many photos I just show you the best ones. They are all so beautiful! At the end you will find a slideshow to see more photos. Be sure you will not miss it. You will be definitely surprised how many flowers come alive in a desert! But be aware: there are not too many flower fields, you have to watch every step you make and you will discover one surprise after the other. Enjoy the photos!
San Diego Desert, California/USA:
For further information:
Anza Borrego Desert State Park