The Cathedral of Palermo – a Masterpiece of Architecture and Art

It s not easy to say when you have seen a lot of architecture and art in the whole world which one is among the most impressive. But I think the cathedral of Palermo is one of these special places.

I visited the cathedral during a one-week-stay in Sicily in which I stayed 2 days in Palermo, the capital of Sicily.

Already approaching the cathedral from the back has a ‘wow’-effect. It is clear that it is two buildings which are connected with two pointed arches. The one is the cathedral itself, the other the Archbishop’s palace.

Passing the two arches and entering on the left the piazza one stands in front of an amazing construction. I can see Norman, Moorish, Gothic and Baroque but also Neoclassic elements – all due to a long history with alterations, additions, restorations.

Before the cathedral was constructed here was a Byzantine basilica. In 1185 the archbishop of Palermo, Walter Ophamil, gave the order of the new church. The old one was founded by St. Gregory, a pope from 590 to 604. Of the basilica is not much left today.

The upper parts of the towers were built in the 14th and 15th century, the southern porch during the Renaissance. The Neoclassic elements are from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century and are from Ferdinando Fuga. He is also the constructor of the great dome and the smaller wants.

I don’t want to describe the whole building which part was built by whom and when and which period. But a few notes maybe could be interesting: The portico in Gothic-Catalan style for example is by Domenico and Antonello Gagini. Impressive! The whole facade is amazing and it could take a good time to explore the whole with your eyes. Best to sit in the piazza in the sun and admire!

The side facade we passed before and facing the Archbishop palace is from the 14th/15th century.

Inside we can admire the tombs of emperors like Herny VI, Frederich II, Peter II, Costance of Aragon, Roger II and more.

While wandering around my friend made a ticket for the roof view and the treasure.

I am impressed by the richness of the decorations which doesn’t seem overloaded the same. I smile when I see the so often in churches’ floors integrated zodiac signs. Looking for mine.. there it is 😀

The baptismal font is beautiful!

With a small group we follow a narrow and steep staircase up to the top of the cathedral to have the best view imaginable on Palermo. It is amazing! With such a sunny bright day we have all the luck one could wish. Most of the houses in Palermo are two storeys high, not more, no ugly skyscraper, I can see the blue blue sea and far as Cefalù. If you are in Palermo you absolutely must go up this cathedral!

Coming back down after a few minutes we have a look into the treasury of the cathedral. I liked a lot the Byzantine crown of Constance of Aragon and the model of the cathedral.

A small brief staircase leads down into the crypt where are some sarcophagi. The cross vaulted ceiling is nice, the room has something cozy.

When we left the cathedral we had another few minutes outside to contemplate the facade, the beauty of this amazing building. We spent a good time inside and could have spent even more. But we wanted to see also other parts of the city and we were hungry at nearly 2 p.m.

Palermo, Sicily/Italy:

For further information:
Website about Sicily
Visit Palermo

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