Spring 2019 in Collages and Photos

Spring is every year for me one of my favorite moments and I enjoy the cold, crispy air, the sunshine and especially the clear air. Perfect for photography in nature.

I am sometimes very brave and get out of the house already early in the morning just after waking up. Mostly I get up around 6 o’clock (summertime which would be 5 o’clock at legal time) and go in the garden to prepare the wood for my fire place. That way an hour later I have a warm and cozy house. Perfect to start my day with a coffee and at the computer to have a look around on pages I follow.

I am currently located in Germany and so I go out to the beach with a friend who is couriously getting out of her comfort zone, too. Or I just have a walk by my own. I love that very much, to listen to the birds, to ‘hunt’ for perfect shots.

Here is my collection of this year spring walks, some in collages. I like collages very much, they show many beautiful pirctures in one.

Enjoy some more!

Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein/Germany:

Be sociable, tell others!
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