homemade paleo mayonnaise with garlic
Homemade Mayonnaise
This homemade mayonnaise has no additional sugar or anything else. It’s simply super delicious and ready in a few seconds.
homemade paleo mayonnaise with garlic
Homemade Mayonnaise
This homemade mayonnaise has no additional sugar or anything else. It’s simply super delicious and ready in a few seconds.
Prep Time
Prep Time
  1. Put all the ingredients in this order into a high, narrow pot. Take the hand-held blender and put it to the bottom, start on the highest velocity and go slowly up. Within a few seconds the mayonnaise is ready.
Recipe Notes

Garlic and curry are completely optional. But they make the mayonnaise even more delicious. You can try to add any other spice or taste you like to the basic recipe of the mayonnaise.

You can eat the mayonnaise with potato chips (if you eat them) or instead with sweet potato chips. Try the mayonnaise with any kind of meat or vegetables chopped in small pieces.

You can store the mayonnaise in the fridge or cool place without any problem for several days but never as long as the conventional mayonnaise bought in the supermarket.