How to Avoid Spring Tiredness – and many other Issues

Doing my research about Vitamin B 17 I found in one article talking about Vitamin B 15. The benefits of Vitamin B 17 will increase when taken together with vitamin B 15. That made me curious and so I started to do research about this other vitamin and found out interesting things.

Another name of vitamin B 15 is Pangamic acid or Pangamate. It was Dr. E. T. Krebs who found it while doing research about vitamin B 17. It’s not a real vitamin and has no nutritional value. Strangely it was in the former Soviet Union that they did better research about it, but never really accurate and sufficient. They use it worldwide in treatments against a lot of diseases.

I was very surprised to read that the United States banned the sell of it – as the country for me is always the first one who offers healthy supplements, treatments, diets and a lot more. Why that? In Russia it seems a very common health treatment and used for issues like:

liver and skin diseases
high blood pressure
drug and alcohol addiction

The vitamin B 15 helps certain amino acids to develop and is very similar to the vitamin E. So it’s a great antioxidant and helps to give a longer life to cells. Somewhere I read that they use it in sports to help muscle relaxation and to prevent pain after an intensive workout. For me it was important to know that it helps to increase the oxygen in the cells (like curcuma and flax seed). It is very recommended to people living in cities because the air pollution is here extremely high. And for people having high stress levels to support those situation in a more relaxed way.

Very useful it is to avoid a hangover from alcohol or also the spring tiredness. Aren’t you feeling limp just right now when spring should give us more energy? Pangamic acid could be a way to go over.

As I speak English, Italian and German I could read in all languages and it’s really astonishing what a difference there is. Meanwhile in the US-websites it is nearly everywhere said not to take it without a doctor’s advice and be very careful and that it’s not at all proven how healthy it is, maybe also the opposite and intoxicating. In German I found just the opposite and very recommended. I read to take it together with my apricot kernels 3 times a day, that makes 150 mg daily. But it would be best to take about 350 mg a day.

Natural Pangamic acid is found in foods like:

Brown rice and other whole grains
brewer yeast
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
apricot kernels

About my own experience: Now it’s about two and a half months I take the pangamic acid every day. I feel great, I am definitely more awake and ‘bright’, can concentrate for longer time. I never feel really tired, that heaviness that make one feel like an ant with the weight of an elephant. And – the most amazing thing of all – my fingernails are really of such a perfection that I consider it nearly a shame to put nail polish on. My hair grows great and I have nearly no loss at all. Before I had wisps of hair in my comb. Like I said in another post it all can be because I changed my diet avoiding all sugars and grains. But this is something I noticed in particular and I had that hair loss the whole last year I already did my diet. The vitamin B 15 is increasing also a lot the immune system and maybe that’s why I didn’t take any flu or other minor things like cough or cold while everyone around me had them. I will continue to take it. And having no spring blues so far…

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One Response to How to Avoid Spring Tiredness – and many other Issues

  1. Walter says:

    your slogan – travel more, eat less, live most – In this blog it is correctly implemented

    It is very nice to read here. you can feel the joy and enthusiasm of heidi. the journey reports are very interesting, and you learn a lot about healthy eating.

    heidi I’m looking forward to more exciting reports and stories
    many greetings from nürtingen

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